Monday, May 24, 2010

The Garden 2011

Signs I made so I can remember.

Cucumbers and their new trellis.

Blackberry bushes in back, strawberry bush and squash in the front.
The garden has been planted for a while now and I have just seen the first signs of fruit. I built this raised bed last year over spring break. This year I planted fewer plants because things got a little crowded. I also made fancy signs and a trellis for the cucumbers to grow their green canopy. I planted several varieties of tomato to see what grows best. Serano peppers, bell peppers, squash, cucumbers, bannana peppers, jalopeno peppers. I know I must be forgetting something. Oh, Strawberries. Maybe things will do well. We shall see.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Pots in etsy shop.

They have been there for a little while. I really enjoyed getting back into the ceramic studio. After being knee deep in fabric work it is nice to escape for a moment and let my brain focus energy on something else for a while. After a few weeks away from one medium I can return to the other refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Branch for Birdies.

I was accepted into a show with a recycled theme again. This time at Picture This Gallery in Hilton Head South Carolina.
The show is titled A.R.T. Art recycled from trash.
The show runs May 15th to June 30th.

I decided it was time to make a new limb, the previous one is pretty beat up from its excursion to Baltimore and back. I modified it a little and I am sure the flying machines will find this new home just as lovely as the last.

The new. The old.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dock Walk

My dear friend Rubi included my balloon vases in her artical on Custom Creations in the May 2010 issue of Dock Walk Magazine. I am so excited to see one a vase in print. I am just as excited about the little bird vases. A big thanks to Rubi!

Monday, May 10, 2010

1000 Artisan Textiles

A book I contributed to 1000 Artisan Textiles is released today!!!
I haven't got my copy yet so I don't know exactly what of my work they chose to include but I did notice I have a little space on the back cover.

In the middle below there is a piece of "The Duplex".