Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bride's geets

My brother is getting married. So I took some time off from fabric paintings to make his bride-to-be geets for all her bride's maids. Their dresses will be yellow and David spotted this fabric that was just perfect. They are big enough to cuddle, about 10" X 6". I hope they like them.

My Birthday.

It is long gone, but I wanted to share what David did to make up for his absence.

At the comic con he had Andy draw me a picture of Owly (hands down the cutest comic ever) in Civil War uniforms. They are way to happy to be going to war. I love it. You can see more owly sketches at

I also was suprised with cake and chocolate milk. We found these shouldn't be mixed. I think my sweet tooth has a cavity. If I didnt already have undiagnosed Diabee-tees I surly do now. Thanks alot David. (sincerely.)